creative director and ceo

20 Questions
If you had to choose, would you prefer non-fiction or fiction? Happy endings or sad ones? Are you a summer person or a winter person? Do you believe in individuality or community? Gratification or anticipation? Would you rather outlive your partner or be outlived? Which is worse: war or famine? Drowning at sea or indefinite detention?
These seemingly stark questions tell us things about who we are, what we value, and who we want to be.
Created together with Ian Pidd and Martyn Coutts, 20 Questions was a bold interdisciplinary art work which premiered at the Melbourne Town Hall in February 2014, and toured to the Brisbane Writers Festival in September 2014.
It is a twisted referendum exploring the impact of opinion polling on contemporary democracy. In a unique performance project, following public polling, statisticians analyse the people's decisions and then at an an old-fashioned election party we dissect the results to see what they tell us about ourselves.
Guests included: Sally Warhaft, George Negus, Sophie Black, Bernard Salt and Ray Martin (Melbourne) and Rebecca Meston, Jennifer Byrne, Nick Earls and Matthew Condon (Brisbane).
You can still take the online poll from our Brisbane season:
and you can see the results from our Melbourne poll: